Our core values

A value is defined as a principle, standard, or quality considered inherently worthwhile or desirable. Individuals, groups, and whole societies hold values. What guides the work of Morten Group? What kind of impact do we hope to have?

The following core values serve to inform and guide Morten Group’s efforts toward equity.

  • Integrity

    We approach all we do with authenticity, humility, courage, responsibility, and transparency. Knowing that this work moves at the speed of trust, we hold ourselves to a standard of excellence in our process, product, culture, and relationships.

  • Justice

    We pursue equity and liberation from the oppressive systems of white supremacy, heteropatriarchy, and exploitative capitalism. Knowing that these systems overlap and amplify one another and that none of us are free until all of us are free, we center race, intersectionality, and the belief that everyone has a role to play in creating change.

  • Community

    We understand the importance of connection, collaboration, and shared wisdom and experience. Believing there is more that connects us to one another than divides us, we create safe, brave, and accessible spaces to facilitate inclusion and a shared sense of belonging, learning, and contribution for all who are committed to this work.

  • Compassion + Empathy

    We treat our client partners and each other with kindness, love, and respect. Forward movement requires understanding, care, and healing, and we strive to cultivate empathy and nurture one another with open hearts and minds in our mutual movement of social change.

  • Curiosity

    We join our client partners as fellow travelers on the journey towards liberation and engage in this work with a mindset of continual growth and knowledge-building. Recognizing that it is impossible to be open-minded and defensive at the same time, we choose a path of inquiry and normalize changing one’s mind when presented with new information.

  • Humor + Joy

    We believe that it is vital to infuse our lives, our work, and our relationships with things that help us care for ourselves and each other. While the road is long and the load can sometimes feel overwhelming, connecting ourselves and each other with humor, joy, beauty, creativity, fun, and gratitude can help.